Do we plan a trip? Let’s do it now!
You have decided to leave, finally the journey you have been dreaming about for so long can become reality. All right, but something is going wrong. You are afraid of making mistakes, but above all you do not have time to solve your doubts by looking for all the possible information. A real hassle, to make a mistake can at least mean a waste of time, and in the most extreme cases can ruin everything. In a trip to make ends meet can be a challenge and something can always slips the mind.
No, you don’t have to go to a travel agency and let them do everything, it would be comfy but you would also see the cost of your trip rise considerably. Planning alone you can save a lot but it is also easier to make mistakes, even if only for inexperience. No one is born knowing what to do, just you hardly think something if you are not accustomed to: have you ever thought about how a waterproof passport holder can literally save a holiday?
Maybe you have found the information, but these are many and above all they say different things one with the other, it can happen. You’re not supposed to know which sites are reliable and which are less reliable, but here too it requires experience. However, it doesn’t take much, just that a more experienced person looks with you at the program of the trip you are organizing. This can help you change something that could have negative consequences.
Let’s organize it together. Don’t know where to go?
Choosing a destination may seem trivial, but it is absolutely not. The world is big but above all different, I for example know Asia and Europe, even if I try to keep informed about the rest of the world with a particular eye to Africa, a continent still little known. To understand what is the ideal place to travel you need to consider personal interests, the climate in which you travel, any problems with food and, why not, even your dreams. All things we’re going to discover together.
Doubts about the type of trip?
Once the destination has been identified, it is necessary to organize the type of trip. Independent or tour? Do you prefer to do everything yourself or do you want to lean on an agency that thinks about everything? Even this is not a simple choice, it depends a lot on personal tastes and how safe you feel to travel alone in certain places. Thailand is not Mongolia and countries like Uzbekistan are easy for some to travel and difficult for others, especially if it’s their first time. Here too I can give you suggestions.
Why me?
To this question I could answer by claiming infinite knowledge and adventurous journeys, which I have nevertheless done, but the truth is that I know how to listen. Having always combined the passion for travel with work activities related to handing customer complaints for large companies, I understand quickly what your needs are, I can guess what you cannot express because maybe not quite clear to you and, above all, I can find satisfactory solutions. Organizing a trip is sometimes a problem solving!
Where to start?
Easy, from a chat. Maybe taking off from the books you like, I am a bibliophile with thousands of books scattered everywhere and I have realized that many of the most beautiful trips born from books. We’ll talk on Skype or the platform you prefer and we’ll reason about your trip, we’ll identify the destination and what will be needed. If you decide to go alone, then I will can eventually recommend you reliable service providers. If you opt for an organized trip, we will instead go in that direction by choosing the right tour operator. My culture and experience will be at your disposal.
The costs
As mentioned above, what is often lacking in organizing a trip is time, soon after comes the orientation in the mass of information. I will save you time and effort, as you can imagine this has a cost that will depend on the time needed and the difficulty of the information to be found. Organizing a trip to Cambodia is not the same thing as finding out how to get into Iran by car, also because Iranian authorities are a bit fussy with cars entering their country.
Let’s begin!
Contact me now

Pietro Acquistapace
Accompagnatore turistico autorizzato Regione Emilia Romagna
Tesserino numero 76 rilasciato il 01/10/2021 con atto numero 16689 del 14/09/2021